Seger riktar skarp kritik mot Fifa och Uefa

Fotbollsvärlden är inte jämlik. Nu skriver landslagskaptenen Caroline Seger ett inlägg på social medier där hon kritiserar hur Fifa och Uefa behandlar damfotbollen.


Efter att GP under tisdagen skrivit om de ojämlika villkoren inom fotbollen och hur Fifa delar ut mångmiljonbelopp till klubbarn som har herrspelare i VM men noll kronor när det är damer som representerar landslaget, tar landslagsstjärnan Caroline Seger till orda.

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På sin Instagram skriver Seger, till vardags i FC Rosengård, ett långt inlägg där hon kritiserar hur damfotbollen hanteras av Uefa och Fifa. Hon skriver bland annat: "Jag vill fråga Fifa, Uefa och alla som styr beslutsfattandet i fotbollsvärlden: Vill ni ens att damfotboll ska existera?"

I’m so happy to be a female playing football. Or am I? Thanks to my gender, I’m making less money, receive less recognition, and certainly can’t expect the same opportunities as a man. JUST because I was born a female. There are so many things I would like to say, so many things I wish I could change, but I’m a FEMALE football player, so I mean, what can I do? So I want to ask FIFA,UEFA and everyone in charge of decision making in the football world: Do you even want female football to exist? Because with some of your decisions I wonder, I really do. At the age of 33 I am doing my job as well as I can, trying to become my very best so that maybe, just maybe, my voice will be heard. It’s in my nature to continue to do everything in my power to prove people wrong and to make everyone understand that there’s value in the time I put into my work even though I was born a female. I’ve seen so many people along the way fighting for us and trying to help in their own way. I’ve seen fans cheering and kids watching and becoming inspired by what we’re doing. I’m forever grateful for this and it’s all of you that keep my head up high and give me the energy to keep pushing forward. I was born a female football player, a proud one and even though I get knocked down a million times I will get back up and continue to fight for my rights, the next generation’s rights and the future of women’s football!

Ett inlägg delat av segercaroline (@segercaroline)

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Även landslagets och Linköpings Magdalena Eriksson har skrivit om frågan på sociala medier. Hon menar att fotbollen aldrig kommer nå full potential om inte stödet från Uefa och Fifa blir rättvist mellan könen.